Hi, everyone! Myself and (Kris) Junk Chic Cottage wanted to do a regular feature on our blogs, something unique that hasn't been
done before. So we came up with an idea to 'spotlight the real life behind the blogger' in a more personal way.
There is so much talent and inspiration in blogland, and we thought it would be fun to bring you a closer look at the person behind the blog.
Every week on Saturday we will spotlight a blogger and have them tell us a little bit about themselves and their blogs. You will be able to see and read about each of the bloggers on both Kris's and my blog.
Today's featured blogger is Jane from Blondie's Journal. Jane blogs about all kinds of different topics, but one of my favorite things to read about is her gorgeous 'vacation' lake home! (Do you detect a little jealousy there? Ok, I have to fess up...I'd LOVE a place like that! And while I'm fessing up, I wouldn't mind having those beautiful blonde locks, either! :)
Please sit back, relax, and enjoy getting to know her a little better-I know I did! Then hop over to Kris's blog to read more about Laurel from Chipping with Charm.

I started blogging over four years ago when I was on the hunt for something floral~like to hang over my mantel. Yep! That started it all! I picked up a copy of Romantic Homes magazine for the very first time to get ideas for this space and some of the online shops I visited had blogs, which led to other blogs, which led to me to brilliant idea to start my own! I jumped in head first. And it still amazes me that my blog had a little blurb in the Romantic Homes August issue...who would have thought?!
I took a job in an office as an insurance adjuster, which was amazing since I couldn't even type! It was an interesting job, I had a lot of friends through the years that I worked with, and I even met The Husband, an attorney, through this job, so I have to thank that employment agency! Oh, and I will reveal for the first time in this post that The Husband's name is Al. Just for this post only, since I'm revealing so much! lol! So, I worked in this field right up until I had my first child eight years later.
Thanks so much, Susan. I loved my walk down memory lane! And anyone that's reading, I'd love for you to visit me at Blondie's Journal!
Jane, thanks so much for sharing more of your personal story with us!